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Deposit - Hari OM Yoga Teacher Training In Person (non-refundable)

Hari OM Yoga teacher training is a comprehensive program offering an in-depth study of Yoga and her sister science, Ayurveda. This deposit cannot be refunded, it may be transferred to another service/event within 1 year of payment.

599.00 USD

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Deposit - Hari OM Yoga Teacher Training In Person (non-refundable)

Hari OM Yoga teacher training is a comprehensive program offering an in-depth study of Yoga and her sister science, Ayurveda. This deposit cannot be refunded, it may be transferred to another service/event within 1 year of payment.

699.00 USD

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Deposit - Hari OM Ayurveda Fundamentals Training (exchangeable, non-refundable)

Learn the foundations of Ayurveda, the Science of Life, and sister science of Yoga. This deposit cannot be refunded, it may be transferred to another service/event within 1 year of payment.

199.00 USD

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